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Re: Insufficient Permissions with local accounts - adabas

2001-01-18 14:49:27
Nenad Steric wrote:

another user with no problems is bestell 
-rw-------   1 bestell  users        8710 Jan 17 00:02 
adabas has 
-rw-------   1 adabas   users       17319 Jan 16 13:21 /var/spool/mail/adabas 

and the funny thing is when i do "chown adabas ...."  adabas can read it, 
that procmail doesn't like it anymore.
Update : 
i just looked into /etc/passwd and i seem to have two different adabas-users 

Aha!!  What's result of these?

        ls -ln /var/spool/mail/adabas

i.e., which numeric uid is owned by the file?  After 
"chown adabas /var/spool/mail/adabas" what is the result of 
"ls -ln /var/spool/mail/adabas" ?

Now about those multiple entries... this should give you two numbers.

        grep '^adabas:' /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f3

Do the numbers differ?  If as root, you say

        touch /tmp/foo; chown adabas /tmp/foo; ls -ln /tmp/foo

what number do you get?

And what happens if...

        login: adabas
        password: *****
        $ id
        uid=xxxx(adabas) gid=...

Which one does the "xxxx" here match?

Ok, if i just delete one, what will happen ?
will procmail start delivering to the left one, or will it blow up ?

Probably something good rather than something bad... DEPENDING on who
owns the various files etc.

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