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Re: spawning an external app

2001-02-17 23:03:44
At 10:58 PM -0600 2/17/01, Philip Guenther wrote:
        :0 A

The :0 A worked like a champ.  Thanks!

Procmail outputs the log message after performing the recipe action.
If you set LOGFILE to /dev/null before a recipe, it won't be logged
(well, it'll be logged to /dev/null...).

Ok, so if I generally don't want it to log anything I should set LOGFILE to /dev/null at the top (globally more or less) and then redefine it to an actual log file for the specific recipes I want logged. Sound right? I don't have any recipes that should match everything or default actions (unless "just deliver the mail" is considered an action) so I should make the default log be null. I'll give it a whirl real quick.


Justin Shore       K-State Linux Distro Mirror, Sysadmin

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