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Re: Conditional Forwarding (on text matching)

2001-02-27 16:07:42
Timothy recommended to Paul,

| :0Bc
| * your string here
| {
|       :0
|       * ^X-paul-dehaye-Loop: yes
|       /dev/null

If the message is looping, then rather than launching and trashing the clone,
better not to launch it in the first place.

|       :0fhw
|       |formail -I"Your new Subject here"  -I"X-paul-dehaye-Loop: yes"

Hmm.  I think better (1) to use -i for the subject and preserve the original
subject in an Old-Subject: field and (b) to use the usual name X-Loop: and to
add it with -A so that anyone else's X-Loop: is preserved in case the message
goes to other places.  Note that formail -r and formail -rt give special
treatment to fields named X-Loop:, and it won't know personalized variants.

|       :0
|       ! your(_at_)secondemail(_dot_)address(_dot_)com
| }


  * H ?? ! ^X-Loop: Paul-Olivier Dehaye
  * special string
   | formail -i "Subject: your new subject" -A "X-Loop: Paul-Olivier Dehaye"

   ! your(_at_)secondemail(_dot_)address(_dot_)com

   :0e: # don't let the clone's copy out of the braces if forwarding failed

| Well that doesn't bother me, but if you have followup questions I'd
| recommend joining the list. (Rather than replying to each kind soul who
| replies to you).

Excellent idea.
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