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Re: Fileserver will NOT work?!?

2001-06-07 22:52:49
Robert Campbell <poohba(_at_)poohba(_dot_)adsl(_dot_)duke(_dot_)edu> writes:
The /var/log/maillog shows that the email was received but that is about
it.  The files don't change time at all.  Haven't been accessed since

So, the maillog shows that the mail is being received, but the reply
isn't being sent, while the procmail log shows that the $SENDMAIL command
is being invoked with the cat command, and you've set SHELL to /bin/sh
before this recipe.

What's that leave?

1) Is the SENDMAIL variable being misset?
2) Is this is a system (like most Linux based systems) where /bin/sh is
   bash?  If so, do you have a .bashrc?  Could something in it be
   breaking things?
3) Are you 100% sure that procmail is being run on the system you think
   it is?  If you put
        LOG="host = $HOST

   in your rcfile and then send a message, is the expected name logged?
   (I'm groping at straws here)

Philip Guenther
procmail mailing list

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