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Re: Auto-send (NOT reply/forward) an email with procmail

2001-07-20 03:51:44
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 11:17:11PM -0500, Michael McKelvey wrote:
mail comes in to my account, with a line in the body that looks like this
(there's other info too, but that's the pertinent line):


What I need to do is the following:
1) Forward the email I receive to another person (I know how to do that)
2) Extract the email address from the email I get and send a pre-composed
email to that person (no clue how to do this)
3) And, if I'm lucky, it'd be nice to send an email to a listserv I maintain
(on LetterRip for the Mac) that looks like it's coming from that person, so
I can add them to a mailing list.  That's not absolutely necessary though.

* !X-Loop: responder
* ^Email:\/.*

        |(formail -r -A 'X-Loop: responder' -I'To: $MATCH'; \
        cat /file/to/send) | $SENDMAIL -t 

        |(formail -I 'To: list-address' -I 'From: $MATCH'; \
        echo "Sign me up!") | $SENDMAIL -t

Every man should know how to make at least one drink from a foreign country,
preferably one taught to him by a local female with whom he has had a
complicated, unresolved, and quite possibly dangerous dalliance.
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