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Rename attachment and add a message.

2001-09-10 08:29:37
I use sendmail as MTA and procmail as MDA.

I would like all messages that come with a attachmemt .vbs or .exe
to be rename with the extension .vbs.potentialvirus and .exe.potentialvirus and sent to the receiver.

I would like also to add a message saying for example:

"Attention, you received a mail with an attachment, this attachmemt has been renamed .......................................
...... for information you can contact service 5454........."

To rename the atachmemts, I use this recipe:

#Renomme le fichier attache
*^Content-type: (multipart/mixed|application/octet-stream|application/mixed)
   :0 B
       *^Content-Disposition: (attachment|inline);
       :0 fbw
It works, but when I try to add a message, the message does not appear.
It tried to add a message with this recipe:

#ajoute un texte
   :0 HBhbfwi
   * ^Content-Disposition: .*name=.*\.\/(exe|vbs)
| sed '/^-Attention, you received a mail with an attachment...- $/,$c\'"$NL"'-. for information you can contact ..- \'"$NL"'sed: .Message ajoute'

And in the log I have no error reported:

procmail: Assigning "NL=
procmail: Assigning "MATCH="
procmail: Matched "vbs"
procmail: Match on "^Content-Disposition: .*name=.*\.\/(exe|vbs)"
procmail: Executing "sed,/^-Attention, you received a mail with an attachment...- $/,$c\
   -. for information you can contact ..- \
   sed: .Message ajoute"

Perhaps that this recipe is not the solution to add a message.Is there another way to do this ?
Thank you for your help.

Pascal Boisson.

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