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Re: Maildir format delivery

2001-11-13 11:42:38
Mike Horwath asked John Connor,

H> Is there a 'new', a 'cur', and a 'tmp' directory within the dirk
H> directory?

I was under the impression that if the destination directory existed, a
maildir-aware version of procmail would mkdir the new, tmp, and cur
subdirectories if they didn't already exist.  That's why I didn't bring that

But as John has answered Mike,

C> Sure is:

C> bash-2.03# ls -la dirk
C> total 12
C> drwxr-xr-x   5 dirk     other        512 Nov 13 17:25 .
C> drwxrwxrwt  29 root     mail         512 Nov 13 17:12 ..
C> drwxr-xr-x   2 dirk     other        512 Nov 13 17:12 cur
C> -rw-------   1 dirk     other        343 Nov 13 17:25 msg.LDt
C> drwxr-xr-x   2 dirk     other        512 Nov 13 17:12 new
C> drwxr-xr-x   2 dirk     other        512 Nov 13 17:12 tmp

msg.LDt is the sort of name procmail would use in a regular directory
delivery rather than in a maildir delivery.  It's still not recognizing
/var/mail/dirk/ as a maildir.  John, are you sure that the procmail binary
getting invoked is your new build of 3.22?

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