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Re: I don't want to have double mails in my folder

2002-01-24 09:34:25
Manuel Hendel writes:
On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 08:40:39AM -0800, Professional Software Engineering 
At 15:59 2002-01-14 +0100, Manuel Hendel did say:
I've read an article in the Linux Magazine 01/2002. They describe a
way with formail:

:0 Wh: $PROCMAILDIR/msgid.lock
|formail -D 32768 $PROCMAILDIR/msgid.cache

but this didn't work for me for some reason.
 Because it's wrong. Sometimes it really makes sense to read the man pages
 (hint: man procmailex(5)). And if you do so, use the other recipe for
 duplicate elimination, the (corrected form of the) one above can cause
 irretrievable mail loss. I have requested on procmail-dev that this example
 be removed from the man page, but there was no reaction at all.

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