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Re: I don't want to have double mails in my folder

2002-01-24 10:17:59
The one I'm using goes as follows.

:0 Whc: .msgid.lock
| formail -D 16384 .msgid.cache
:0 a

And it works thus far with no problem.  I've accidentally bounced myself
messages before, and it just dumps them off in that duplicate folder.

I put them there to make sure I didn't miss anything.  That and I wasn't
sure how well the recipt would work when I first set it.

  T. Holmes  |  |  tim(_at_)unixtechs(_dot_)org  |  UIN:  
 | I've read an article in the Linux Magazine 01/2002. They describe a
 | way with formail:
 | ####
 | :0 Wh: $PROCMAILDIR/msgid.lock
 | |formail -D 32768 $PROCMAILDIR/msgid.cache
 | /dev/null
 | ####
 | but this didn't work for me for some reason. Can someone please let me
 | know if this recipt is ok? If not, where's the problem or is there an
 | other way to solve this?
 | Thanks,
 |     Manuel
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