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mailbox locking problem

2002-01-31 17:15:03
on a linux server with postfix as the MTA and vm-pop3d
i use my .forward file to start procmail.
when i log in via POP3 to download my mails, vm-pop3d creates the file

in my ~/.procmailrc i have:
LOCKFILE = /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME.lock

and recipes like e.g.:
              * .*http_monitor.*

if a matching mail arrives while /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME.lock (created by
vm-pop3d) exists, the mail simply vanishes (the postfix log shows
perfectly normally that the mail has been sent to the procmail pipe).
with .forward (and procmail) disabled, the postfix log shows that the
postfix delivery agent couldnt deliver the mail, it gets deferred and
delivered later when the lock is gone.

with .forward (and procmail) enabled - if a matching mail arrives while
the lockfile does not exist, it is delivered correctly.
how can i make procmail keep the mail somehow and deliver it later, when
the lock is gone?

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