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Else rules

2002-03-22 16:26:18

I seem to be having an issue getting something to work. What I want is for
my ruleset to check one list to see if it is from anyone, if no match then
check another list to see if it is to someone, and then if no match there
run my spamfilters.

This is basically so I can have a list of good senders and a list of
people who do not want filtering. 

Thanks for any help.. Scott

* ^From.*
    :0 f
       * ? formail -x"From" -x"From:" -x"Sender:" \
       | egrep -is -f /etc/procrcs/wanted.lst
       | formail -A "X-NoBounce: On Wanted List"
    :0 E
       * ? formail -x"To" -x"To:" \
       | egrep -is -f /etc/procrcs/receive.lst
       | formail -A "X-NoFilter: Does not want filtering"
    :0 E

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