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formail to split digest with indented From and Date

2002-03-23 14:02:40
I have done a search on the archives and found one question about this with
no answer.  

I belong to some yahoogroups lists and get a couple digests.  I have this
       * ^Subject:.*Digest
       * ^Subject:.*[Somename]

                 :0 c

                  | formail +1 -ds >> somename

It gives me a copy of the digest as well as the individual mails.  I use
mutt to read them.  I get the subject, but the From: is foo(_at_)bar and there 
no date.  I got smart and found that I can just use 'h' in mutt to expand
the headers and can then see the From: and Date: which are indented a few
spaces.  So it seems that this is the reason they are not being put into the
message in the usual way.  I really would like the From to appear in the
list of the messages rather than a sting of foo(_at_)bar's.  Is there some way 
fix this?  

Within the body of the digest, the messages appear like this:
Message: 1
   Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 23:47:02 EST
   From: someone(_at_)somewhere(_dot_)com
Subject: Re: the time of day

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