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Re: Collecting Email Traffic Stats with Procmail

2002-04-19 16:28:54

This is pretty close. I think with log rotation I should be able to get
the dates as well (for monthly stats). Is there anything particular that
you put in /etc/procmail other than to define the log file?


I tried just this, but no logging. I also tried setting up a default rule


Unfortunately this logged too much info, and it also prevented user level 
.procmailrc files from functioning. I do want users to be able to filter 
their mail as well with .procmailrc files. 

Basically I want to count the amount of data recieved for each user as it 
arrives, then pass it on to the user for additional processing. 



On 19 Apr 2002, Myles Williams wrote:

On Fri, 2002-04-19 at 14:13, Terrence Martin wrote:
I was wondering if anyone has created a procmail rule, to be run from the 
system level (/etc/procmail) for collecting and logging e-mail stats. ie 
the amount of e-mail coming in. I want to be able to collect usernames, as 
well as a running total for the number of bytes sent to each mail box.

All mail on my system goes through /etc/procmailrc and is logged(of
course). I haven't actually set anything up for this specific use, but I
do know the tool 'mailstat' will properly go through a procmail log and
give you totals per user.

I use 'mailstat -k procmail.log' (-k as to not destroy the log file).

Sample report gives...Is this what you're looking for?

6899943      40 /var/spool/mail/chrism
5436269      29 /var/spool/mail/davec
3708305       4 /var/spool/mail/davek

Hope this helps.

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