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Re: a problem regarding procmailrc

2002-05-07 08:53:37
On  7 May, Ali, Imran wrote:
| Hi .
|       I have to extract sender's mail id and have to pass it to a script.
| right now i am using .
| WHOFROM = `formail -xFrom:`   for this purpose but since in my mails from
| header have name along with e-mail i.e.
|  From: "ali imran" <aliimran(_at_)rediffmail(_dot_)com> , so above formail 
| extract whole thing, i mean name as well as e mail id.
| But i want only email id i.e. aliimran(_at_)rediffmail(_dot_)com to be stored 
| How can i do it . ?

This will extract an email address from the From: header, which may or
may not be the sender but seems to be what you want. It will not
capture anything to WHOFROM if there is no "@" in the header (e.g. bang
paths, or local non-fully qualified addresses).

* ^From:.*\/[^  @]+(_at_)[^     ]+

or, to eliminate the <> pair around the address

* ^From:.*\/[^  @<]+(_at_)[^     >]+

N.B. whitespace within the [classes] is a <space> and a <tab>.

Reply to list please, or append "6" to "procmail" in address if you must.
Spammers' unrelenting address harvesting forces me to this...reluctantly.

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