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Re: Little help...

2002-05-18 14:32:32
At 11:51 2002-05-18 -0400, Pantelis Hadzipantelis wrote:
Let's take an example user, user1(_at_)domain1(_dot_)com (virtual)

This user has a real local username someplace, right?

in /etc/procmailrc

* $LOGNAME ?? ^localusername$
! otherusername

This would deliver a copy of a message if the message were being delivered to the specific user (the _copy_ won't be delivered to the original user, even if it is cleartext addressed to them).

There could be complications with that (mail loops - if there's a problem with the otherusername account, a mailer-daemon message will bounce to localusername, which in turn would want to deliver a copy of THAT to the otherusername, ad nauseum.

So, you should consider *NOT* forwarding mailer-daemon messages (which may not be the type of message you want to copy anyway), and/or to add an X-Loop: header to check to see if the message has been sent back, etc.

I tried making a .procmailrc in the user1's home folder but it doesn't seem
to work, and I am using procmail as the local delivery agent for the domain1
virtual domain.

And you're positive of this HOW? Do you know that the .procmailrc file has the appropriate permissions?

Go to the link in my .sig and retrieve the procmail diagnostic script and run it _as_that_user_ (you can use su from root to assume their identity). That should help to identify permissions problems which many new users seem to have.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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