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Re: matching "p5-" w/ \<(perl5|p5-)\>

2002-05-30 11:14:35
Parv asked,

| why does the below regex not work?

It does work.  It just works the way the procmailrc(5) man page says and not
the way you expected.

| :0:
| * subj  ??  ()\<(perl5?|p5-)\>
| In/i.perl

| procmail: Assigning "subj= cvs commit: ports/devel Makefile
ports/devel/p5-Date-ICal ..."

The character after "p5-" is the letter D, which does not match "\>".
Remember that procmail's \< and \> have to match actual characters (which
could be newlines), not zero-width transition points like perl's and egrep's
\< and \>.  We were discussing this just a couple days ago.

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