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Re: Proftpd question which is not solved by answering Defaultroot ;-)

2002-07-30 08:13:17
----- Original Message -----
From: <trespassa(_at_)gmx(_dot_)de>
To: "Procmail" <procmail(_at_)Lists(_dot_)RWTH-Aachen(_dot_)DE>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 1:36 PM
Subject: Proftpd question which is not solved by answering Defaultroot ;-)


I have already asked twice or more how I can disable the feature?
that having set Defaultroot to /home, users can see the home folders
of other users (only see!).

I have not only user's homes in /home, there are other folders I want
to be accessed. So Defaultroot to /home/user isn't interesting. And to
mount the other folders I described before into each user's home directory
is not a solution for me. There are too many users and that would be
really crap...

So please, if somebody knows something that could help me... ;-)

I have something like this:

<Directory /*>
  HideNoAccess   true
  AllowOverwrite  on
  AllowStoreRestart  on
  <Limit ALL>
    IgnoreHidden  on

HideNoAccess and IgnoreHidden may be what you are looking for. :) If you set
your permissions accordingly, it will hide and make unavailable all files
and directories the logged-in user does not have access to.

- Mark

        System Administrator

"If you were supposed to understand it,
we wouldn't call it code." - FedEx

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