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Re: an attitude of mind (Was: From_ and From:)

2002-11-23 03:26:38
On 22 Nov 2002 Alan Clifford (lists(_at_)clifford(_dot_)ac) wrote:
NM> >
NM> > Do not filter out unwanted emails.  Filter in wanted emails.  It's an
NM> > attitude of mind rather than a rule.
NM> Yes, it's a philosophical stance, a way of being, the secret to
NM> happiness, and the motivation behind this page of mine:
NM>  Reverse Spam Filtering: Winning Without Fighting
NM>  <>

I haven't gone as far a you have I think.  I have a bit of a quandry with,
for instance, viruses.  If a virus sends me an email, masquerading as
someone who is in my whitelist, then I do not want to let it in.  That
means physically filtering on "what to keep out" before filtering "what to
let in" even if I'm philosphically trying to do it the other way around.

I use Pine and Mulberry as mail clients and I have both of them
configured so I have to work pretty hard to open an attachment
so, fortunately, I've never been infected by a virus. Also I use
IMAP so I don't waste much bandwidth when I look at and
(immediately) delete these messages.

Another thing is that most of the spam/viruses that get into my
"greenbox" (AKA whitebox) have one of *my* addresses in the From
header. I'm planning to update my flowchart (and corresponding
Procmail recipes) so that messages From one of my addresses are
checked to make sure that they are really from me (e.g., by
checking the Organization header, which I always use).

It's a much more fun way to filter mail, IMHO!

       PROCMAIL  <>
           IMAP  <>
           PINE  <>

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