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Re: Stop forwarding big files! Help needed

2002-12-12 11:43:06
At 14:06 2002-12-12 +0100, Radu Popa wrote:
And now the really dumb question: er...... How do I tell sendmail to pass
the message to procmail?
Just by creating the .procmailrc in the respective home directory?

Yes, create a local account for the address and let the messages deliver to the local account (with an appropriate .procmailrc in it).

OR:  set up an alias which invokes a .procmailrc directly:

someaddress "|/usr/bin/procmail -m /etc/procmailrcs/forwarder.rc someaddress(_at_)otherdomain(_dot_)tld"

(all one line)

Then, create a forwarder.rc file in /etc/procmailrcs and put your forwarding rules in there. The address to forward to will be in the $1 variable in procmail, so you can use that same rc file for multiple aliases. You could also provide the maximum message size as a parameter after that (which shows as $2), or you could have a condition block within the rcfile which defines size limits for individual accounts.

You should consider where you'll store the messages which cannot be forwarded because they are too large.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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