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Re: Consecutive lines

2003-04-02 18:33:16
On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Daryle A. Tilroe wrote:

Upon further reflection the best format may be:

* (^Content-Type: +text/(plain|html).*(^.*)?^Content-Transfer-Encoding: 

I'll try to remember to run this in parallel with the previously discussed
condition next month.

One other thing I am not sure of is the order.  I
believe it may be legit to reverse the order of
'Content-Type' and 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'.  I
guess in that case you may need the reverse regexp
as well.

Something I'll watch for.

PS.  I don't quite understand why you original recipe:

* Content-Type:(.*\<)?text/(html|plain)
* ^Content-Transfer-Encoding:(.*\<)?base64

failed in the examples you gave.

It was restricted to headers - if I move it to include bodies then every
message that contains a valid image (and I get a lot of them) winds up in
the spam folder.  The "consecutive lines" thing avoids that problem - or
at least it appears to for the time being.

                                - fleet -

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