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Re: Newbie question: Problem with 'To:' field

2003-04-02 22:59:26
On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 03:15:45PM +0100, John Deacon wrote:

everything seems to be working fine but the 'To:' field on all incoming
messages is getting rewritten without the host/domain name.
my current ~/.forward is now


and ~./procmailrc is

     :0fw: spamassassin.lock
     | /sbin/cat

so email should just go straight through procmail and it should do nothing
with it... (right ?). but the problem's still there...

Anybody know what i'm doing wrong here ?

I'm no expert, but your recipe doesn't make sense to me. Where do you call
spamassassin? Why are you piping the message through "cat"? And why do
you have a lockfile on that recipe? 


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