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Re: Executing external cmds via procmail

2003-05-06 08:19:06
On Tue, May 06, 2003 at 07:22:57AM -0700, Nick Stephens wrote:
Pretty simple, I'd think, but I'm havin a hell of a time with it, and not
finding much documentation that pertains..

#doing matching here that works, dont worry bout that..

        /usr/local/bin/programname /tmp/mirror/filename.txt

it writes the file out perfectly, but doesn't proceed on to the next part
of the nest, running the program.  I turned on verbose logging, and it
acts like it isnt even there:

  Because the fist rule of the nest is not a filter you have to create
  the rule as ':0bwc' so that the seccond rule will be reached.

  Also, you should probally think about setting an identical lock file
  on both of those rules to control the timing, since it's possible
  that the first could still be writing while the second excutes.

Till Later,
Jake <karrde(_at_)viluppo(_dot_)net>

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