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Re: help with procmail, was (No Subject)

2003-07-09 01:29:09
On 8 Jul 2003 Patrick Shanahan (paka(_at_)myrealbox(_dot_)com) wrote:
* Eric <nyre(_at_)kiercorp(_dot_)com> [07-08-03 18:10]:

error is
couldn't read /root/Procmail/rc.subscriptions

of course not the website didn't have me set that up?
what does it mean

Pls, tell us you are *not* running as *root*.

My thought exactly. I wrote my Quick Start for a regular user,
not an admin, so the steps assume that. I just updated the Step
by Step section, which is here:


so it now says this:

 IMPORTANT: For the following steps to work, you must be a
 regular user, not root.

I hope this solves the problem. In any case, thanks for getting
this error because it helped me to improve the Quick Start!

Nancy McGough            <>            Infinite Ink
Writing about procmail, imap, pine, spam-deflexion strategies & more

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