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Re: procmail setup as local mailer

2003-07-09 16:05:13
At 14:10 2003-07-09 -0700, Noarmun E. Mailer wrote:

The URL posted by Nancy McGough is great and I have bookmarked it.
However, I am using procmail as my local mailer.  This page is for end

Nancy's site is indeed set up for people _using_ procmail, not necessarily for sysadms trying to set up their systems. There are MANY variables in doing that (the variety of MTAs for example), and the number of sysadms out there is considerably smaller than the number of end users who might want to use procmail. I can't help but suspect that it is called the "Procmail Quick Start" for a reason.

Professional sysadms have traditionally been the type of person to read the documentation included with source distributions of the tools which they compile and install onto their systems, and as such, the answers to these questions tend to be readily available to them.

When you get into "package" installations - such as RedHat certainly promotes to make installation of tools more "carefree" for the admin who is more of a user than an administrator, then the details are often omitted, and the operational defaults often differ from those specified in a source-based distribution. I'm not knocking user-admin types, but increasingly there are people tackling administrative jobs which they've got absolutely no qualifications for, and simply don't have the foundation of knowledge for finding answers to issues which admins are frequently faced with.

Owing to the sheer number of distributions, and how some of them seem to arbitrarily change attributes on a whim (and the version numbers they report for things often differ from those of the software developer - a "patchlevel" suffix is often found tacked to the tail end of versions of programs on some distributions, keeping the version number from correlating to the version number of the software as released by its developer), it isn't feasable to attempt to provide a single reference source on how each distro (or version of) needs to be configured. It's easy enough to document the LOCAL_PROCMAIL setting for Sendmail though, provided users use the M4 style config files, instead of hacking at their .cf directly, as some do.

The briefest of searches turned up the following documents pertaining to configuration of procmail as LDA on several of the most pupular *nix MTAs:



Go to §20.11

Go to §3.5

The answers seem available if people look for them.

Anyone have favorite URLs aimed at setting procmail as the LDA?

The documentation of my chosen MTA generally works quite well. Sendmail for instance is pretty clear about how to go about doing this with a FEATURE setting. If you check the "Bat" book - effectively, the print manual for Sendmail - you'll see that the Sendmail authors actually recommend procmail as an LDA for the security-conscious.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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