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Re: Executing ... No such file or directory

2003-09-05 11:48:19
Toen ik Bart Schaefer kietelde, kwam er dit uit:
Ruud H.G. van Tol:

    :0 fr
    | gzip -9fc

I'm really curious what procmail makes of this after reading the message
back in; all distinction of header and body are gone ...

'mutt' has no problem showing the uncompressed 'mbox'. Of course the
lines are still there.

I will test with
     :0 f
     | gzip -9fc
(my hope is that it will add a blank line before gzipping,
haven't checked that yet) but it works as is now.

To avoid corrupting the .gz file on failure of gzip, you might want to
do something like this:

 :0 c
 * < 100000
   * 1^1 > 1
   { }

Yes, I was thinking along those lines too:

  :0 c
  * < 100000
    RAW_GZ = "$HOME/raw_big.gz"

    * < 20000
    { RAW_GZ = "$HOME/raw.gz" }

    :0 fw
    | gzip -9fc

    :0 ar:


Affijn, Ruud

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