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Re: Ruleset for W32(_dot_)Swen(_dot_)A(_at_)mm?

2003-09-19 12:28:47
On 19 Sep 2003 Dallman Ross (dman(_at_)nomotek(_dot_)com) wrote:

One can always lynx and download the file.  There is a frame on
that page, but, well, just deal with it, folks.  :-)

I downloaded it via lynx and the frame actually helped because I put
the focus on the virussnag URL and typed 'd' for download. Here are
a couple requests:

* Could you also make a gzipped version available, e.g. virussnag.gz?
  This would make it less likely that the tab and line terminators
  get corrupted.

* Does anyone have a sample fake virus that can be used for testing

Thanks again for these great recipes Dallman!

Nancy McGough            <>            Infinite Ink
Writing about procmail, imap, pine, spam-deflexion strategies & more

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