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Re: [0.0] matching words that are laced with html

2003-10-30 09:44:33
On Wed, 29 Oct 2003, Professional Software Engineering wrote:
I started using SpamAssassin (, which has built-in
functionality to defeat coding tricks like HTML and BASE64.....
And apparently it modifies the subject lines with stuff that wasn't 
orignally there.

This is an option that can be turned off or on easily, either as a
site-wide default or per-user....

I've been considering the prospect of suggesting new functionality in
procmail (on procmail-dev, to which I'm not presently subscribed)
wherein procmail could be extended to include internal support for
BASE64, ordinal encoding, attachments, etc...

Hmmm. A nice idea, but given the fact that the intent is to hunt down
spam, I figure that using a complete package for spam is better, as the
developers are constantly working to counter the latest spammer tricks....

In the meantime, if you want to strip HTML, try piping the message
through lynx.

The other point in spamassassin's favor is its lightweight spamc/spamd
configuration - easier on resources than firing up Lynx, et al.


- Charles

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