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RE: how to strip SA's message markup?

2004-02-23 08:48:43

From: LuKreme
Sent: Monday, February 23, 2004 7:09 AM
How did you do that without using something like formail to split out

Sorry that was unclear, I fed 250,000 messages through
formail/procmail/spamassassin in a lot less than 'all day' though I
didn't time it exactly, and the slowest part of my procmail is almost
certainly the reconstructing the correct FROM_ (since all the messages
had improper FROM_ headers due to their storage in MH style folders.

Interesting. You must be running on some hot hardware. My 2.4G P4, finished
in 11.5 hours, using Bart's suggested pperl speedup. By my reckoning that
would work out to 20.7 hours without the speed up, which is nearly 'all
That's 85486 messages, and 434 megs. of disk space (after the clean up).

On my set up it would take 40 hours to process 250K messages ... this is a
dual SMP Xeon config. with 2G memory and 10,000 rpm SCSI disks, so I don't
think it is lacking in any major way.

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