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Re: softlabs

2004-03-04 06:41:05
Toen ik Ruud H.G. van Tol kietelde, kwam er dit uit:

if you open the zip-file in an editor, you will find
two equal occurences of "randomtext.exe" in there (the toc).
The pattern of the base64-encoding of those filenames is deductable,
so a procmail-recipe can catch them.

Or use sed:

ZIPSTR = `sed \
-e :a \
-e "s/[^a-zA-Z0-9. ]\{1,\}/ /g" \
-e "s/ \{1,\}\[^ ]\{0,4\} \{1,\}/ /g" \
-e '$\!N; s/\n/ /; ta' \`

(might need changing or unsetting of SHELLMETAS)

A sample is transformed to:
PK hdquqv.exe SPWNs GoRyq ZoC6jh fy4cW 15oYg 246WA 7Km1U VR0bt W5HJT
MO84d eX70r eJfzb hdquqv.exePK
(all on 1 line)

I chose to eliminate all strings shorter than 4 because "a.exe" 
has length 5.

Affijn, Ruud

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