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Re: forwarding mail

2004-04-15 04:52:00
On Wed, 14 Apr 2004, S.A. Birl wrote:

As it was written on Apr 14, thus Dave Stern - Former Rocket Scientist typed:

Dave:  I have a user who wants to tee mail ie process it thru the rest of the
Dave:  procmailrc (eg spamassassin) and send the original message on to 
Dave:  address. Originally, I just added to the top of his .procmailrc
Dave:  :0:
Dave:  {
Dave:      :0 c
Dave:      ! user(_at_)otherplace(_dot_)com
Dave:  }
Dave:  :0fw:
Dave:  <run some local filters on the original>
Dave:  But this remakes the headers st they all look like they came from him 
Dave:  the first machine. ie I want it to retain the "From" and "Subject" and
Dave:  route it thru while still running the rest of the procmairlc on the 
Dave:  machine.  I expect the answer is to somehow send it thru formail.
Dave:  Anyone have the recipe?
Dave:  TIA

Maybe this is a dumb question:   But why not just use a .forward file?


Na, that's too easy ;)  Perhaps I should have mentioned that headers may
be munged later on eg we'll likely want the outgoing message to either
include an additional header or remove an existing one as it sends it on
its way.

 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  generated by /dev/dave -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
 David Stern                                            University of Maryland
                Institute for Advanced Computer Studies

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