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Re: Use scoring to determine header format?

2004-05-18 01:13:28
On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 10:31:58PM -0400, fleet(_at_)teachout(_dot_)org wrote:
(Re. discussion of split Receiveds:)

On Mon, 17 May 2004, Professional Software Engineering wrote:

I've used the following recipe for a long time:

* ^(From|Date|Subject|Reply-To):(.*$)+Received:

I found my nemesis The Python Tutor list among those that insert header
material. :)

Snake in the grass?  :-)

Back to scoring:

The following seems to work except for one problem:

* -4^0
* 1^0 ^Received:(.*$)+Received:
* 1^0 ^Received:(.*$)+Received:
* 1^0 ^Received:(.*$)+Message-Id:
* 1^0 ^Message-Id:(.*$)+Received:
* 1^0 ^Received:

The problem is - How do I say in the last condition "Received: followed by
NOT Received.  I tried * 1^0 ^Received:(.*$)+[^Received:], which didn't
work.  (I didn't think it would, but it was worth a try.) I'd like to get
this to work even if the recipe turns out to be useless.  I'll have
learned a bunch.

I've used the following with great success.  Currently it triggered on
12 of my last 100 spams.  Like Sean, I sum various indicators to arrive
at a spamish quantum.

 RCVD_EQUIVS = "X-MindSpring-Loop:"
 RCVD_EQUIVS = "$RCVD_EQUIVS|Approved-By:.*@"
 RCVD_EQUIVS = "$RCVD_EQUIVS|X-SpamCop-Return-Path:"
 RCVD_EQUIVS = "$RCVD_EQUIVS|X-Qmail-Scanner-"
 :0  # 031216 () split Received: headers
  * $   1^1  ^Received:.+^$NOT_RCVD
  * $  -1^0  ^($RCVD_EQUIVS.+$)Received:
  *    -1^1  ^Delivered-To:.+$Received:
    # 031216 () exceptions follow
    * $  -1^0  TRUST              ??  ^^[$HIGHEST$HIGH]^^
    * $  -1^0  XM                 ??  ()\<Octeth
    * $  -1^0  MITIGATED          ??  $TRUE
    * $  -1^0  HOTHOO_VERIFIED    ??  $TRUE
    * $  -1^0  FOGGYCLIENT        ??  ^^$RESERVED_IPs:[0-9][0-9]+^^
    { RX = "${RX:+$RX, }UBE.RC.SPLIT" }

There are lots of exceptions there, but I haven't had to adjust anything
in nearly six months now.  I'm not going to explain all my private
vars, except that XM is the X-Mailer content and FOGGYCLIENT
is a personal name I use for the bottom Received header's asserted
sending client (same code as in Virus Snaggers finds that -- just
the name is a personal one bound up with some private naming history).

Even without the exceptions, it's quite effective for me.  Oh: I
do need to show $NOT_RCVD, which is pretty cool:

 NOT_RCVD     =            [^R]|R[^e]|Re[^c]|Rec[^e]|Rece[^i]|Recei[^v]
 NOT_RCVD     = ($NOT_RCVD|Receiv[^e]|Receive[^d]|Received[^:])

That of course goes earlier than the above.  (I have a separate
variable assignment INCLUDERC; actually, several of them.)

I see from the archives that one year ago this month I talked
briefly about NOT_RCVD.  But I didn't specifically show it there.

dman | Virus Snaggers now at 2.0.2 - <>
     | see also the procmail diagnostics rc in the Download section

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