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Re: executing a program on match

2004-08-28 08:07:52
David W. Tamkin wrote:

Bill McCormick wrote:

If just I do ....


... without the "/new", then yes, the folder seems to be created but
then the message ends up in the folder .${LISTNAME} and not
.${LISTNAME}/new so my MUA doesn't see it.

If you're trying to create a qmail-style maildir,


-- note the trailing slash! --

will get procmail to create the directory and its three required subdirectories and to store the message under .$LISTNAME/new/. If it's not for Courier IMAP, then you don't need the leading period. If the directory already exists, procmail will use it.

You're tripping yourself up by specifying "/new" instead of letting procmail do it.

Thanks. I knew it was trivial.

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