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Re: recipe to stop procmail processing

2004-09-02 07:51:00
Brent Graham wrote:

OK, now for one more question. How about a recipe that copies
(not moves) the message to another folder and also stops further

Brent, I don't know where you think the message "is" when you talk about "moving" it. If you copy it to a folder and then stop processing, it is in the folder where you put the copy and nowhere else, because you've stopped processing. When you say this,

I know I can do this with 2 recipes (first using :0 c: and
then the recipe below), but is there a way to combine it into one recipe?

we have to gather that you mean you want to save the message in both $DEFAULT and one other folder when there's still more code in the rcfile, but the remaining code applies only to other messages and not to this one.

So no, there's no other way to do it. To save a message in $DEFAULT before the end of your recipes, you have to do it explicitly, either with a recipe that saves to $DEFAULT or, in the circumstances I detailed last time, by unsetting SWITCHRC or setting SWITCHRC=/dev/null.

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