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Re: error in recipe

2005-01-10 11:11:25
On Mon, Jan 10, 2005 at 05:35:47PM +0100, Claus Atzenbeck wrote:

procmail: Couldn't determine implicit lockfile from "formail"
procmail: Missing action

Any idea what might be wrong?

Ruud has answered this part.  The ending colon was extraneous in the
initial recipe line, calling for a lockfile when there is no file
to lock.  (This is a non-deliverying recipe that does not involve
file saves.)

Ruud also said the second error message is from a later message, and
I agree.  There's an incomplete recipe further down.

PS: Even though it seems that I have found the error (?) I am still
interested in my previously sent mail about how to find procmailrc
errors in large procmailrc lists.

Ruud's answer here, which was "Put some LOG="before/after" statements
around the problem-recipe," is fine.  I like to do something like
this for such testing, myself:

  REM = '$ ^^($myrem)?'     # can be placed in an initiation var-file
                            # as an INCLUDERC if desired

  myrem = "Kilroy was here!"   # or whatever

  :0 f l a g s
  * some_optional_condition
  * $ $REM
  | some_action

You can change $myrem at will as appropriate wherever you want in the rc.
Then you run with verbose logging on, and you see where you are.


   * ^Subject:.*\/[^    ].*
   * $ $REM

The $REM var gets expanded by the double dollars.  It gets evaluated as
a condition, but will always be true; so won't cause recipes to behave
differently than they would without it.  The ^^ anchor to the start of
the header makes the test very low-impact for procmail.

Here's a run of the above recipe with $myrem set as above:

    procmail: [10659] Mon Jan 10 18:38:14 2005
    procmail: Assigning "VS_DIAGS=./vsnag.self-test.rc"
    procmail: Assigning "VS_MYVARS="
    procmail: Assigning "PROCMAIL=procmail"
    procmail: Rcfile: "test.rc"
    procmail: Assigning "REM=$ ^^($myrem)?"
    procmail: Assigning "myrem=Kilroy was here!"
    procmail: Assigning "MATCH="
    procmail: Assigning "MATCHLEFT="
    procmail: Matched "Be|ow the Radar Equity"
    procmail: Match on "^Subject:.*\/[^    ].*"
*** procmail: Match on "^^(Kilroy was here!)?"
    procmail: Assigning "SUBJECT=Be|ow the Radar Equity"
    procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/dev/null"
    procmail: Opening "/dev/null"
    From qolhkxt(_at_)freewebe(_dot_)com  Thu Jan  6 18:56:00 2005
     Subject: Be|ow the Radar Equity
      Folder: /dev/null                                                        

*** Where the asterisks are above, you can see that we had reached that
line in the rcfile.

If I wish, I can continue on an change the value of $myrem later.

  myrem = "Now we're at the third condition in the recipe I'm worried about!!!"

  * 1^0  ^To:.*dman@
  * 2^0  ^From:(_dot_)*(_at_)example\(_dot_)com
  * $ $REM
  * 3^0  ^Date:.*Jan\>
  * 4^0  ^Content-Type:.*multipart
  { SOMEVAR = "success!" }

Here's the verbose log for all of that:

      6:46pm [~/Mail] 366[0]> --rcfile test.rc $SPAMPLE
     procmail: [21804] Mon Jan 10 18:51:10 2005
     procmail: Assigning "VS_DIAGS=./vsnag.self-test.rc"
     procmail: Assigning "VS_MYVARS="
     procmail: Assigning "PROCMAIL=procmail"
     procmail: Rcfile: "test.rc"
     procmail: Assigning "REM=$ ^^($myrem)?"
     procmail: Assigning "myrem=Kilroy was here!"
     procmail: Assigning "MATCH="
     procmail: Assigning "MATCHLEFT="
     procmail: Matched "Be|ow the Radar Equity"
     procmail: Match on "^Subject:.*\/[^    ].*"
***  procmail: Match on "^^(Kilroy was here!)?"
     procmail: Assigning "SUBJECT=Be|ow the Radar Equity"
     procmail: Assigning "myrem=Now we're at the third condition in the recipe 
I'm worried about!!!"
     procmail: Score:       0       0 "^To:.*dman@"
     procmail: Score:       0       0 "^From:(_dot_)*(_at_)example\(_dot_)com"
***  procmail: Match on "^^(Now we're at the third condition in the recipe I'm 
worried about!!!)?"
     procmail: Score:       0       0 "^Date:.*Jan\>"
     procmail: Score:       0       0 "^Content-Type:.*multipart"
     procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/dev/null"
     procmail: Opening "/dev/null"
     From qolhkxt(_at_)freewebe(_dot_)com  Thu Jan  6 18:56:00 2005
      Subject: Be|ow the Radar Equity
       Folder: /dev/null                                                        
(That recipe didn't "succeed"; no scored condition evaluated to true.  Yet,
we can easily see when the point is reached.)


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