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Re: -gt again

2005-04-03 20:10:20
Michelle Konzack wrote:

I have some filters created but I do not know how I solve this:

I generate filters on the fly which works now pefectly, but I do not
know how to make the condition, if the current time is bigger a
default, then the message will not more filtered

  * [ `date +%s` -lt 1113484356 ]

and I replied,

| * $ -`date +%s`^0
| * 1113484356^0

But I notice that Michelle said "-gt" in the subject line but "-lt" in the example, and in the description she said that the time has to be bigger than the preset number. So to simulate -gt, move the minus sign:

 * $ `date +%s`^0
 * -1113484356^0

With either, there's a Y2038 problem, but there is with most versions of date(1) as well.

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