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Re: help changinf owner of file crated by /etc/procmailrc

2005-04-10 06:09:19
Nitin, please clean up the structure of your answers. This
is a mailing list, clean messages read a lot faster. See
my remarks between {}.

Thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind. I was thinking that maybe its
good that all the answers remain in one mail so anyone reading the last
message for the first time can understand the whole story. Anyway, I'll
remember it.

Dont understand what do you mean by that? Do you mean that using
DROPPRIVS=yes will create file with 'apache' as owner or I shall be
able to chown it only after using that....

I don't know your mail situation, but if you redirect part of
the mail of several users to a central storage, based on the
spammishness of the message, then you should at least offer an
opt-out for users that don't want such central messing with
their stuff.

Let me tell it to you in detail.
I'm using /etc/procmail to filter mails for all users on my mail server.
Spam mails (even the sure spams or virus infected mails) dont go to a
central location, but to the user directory accessible by our webmail, so
that they can access these mails through webmail and of course not through
POP access.

Note: user's home directory is different from the user directory accessible
by webmail system. I know, its kinda complex and personally I wouldn't use
such a webmail program, but I have no option as it is actually a client's
system and Im only responsible to setup mail filtering on the existing

Now, the problem is, the webmail program cannot read the files owned by
anyone other than 'apache'. So, whenever a new file (actually folder in
webmail) is created, it must be owned by apache for webmail to read it.

So, now please give me some receipe for that. And please have a look at the
ones, in my first mail.

Thanks for your time and support

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