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Re: Emails not retrieved automatically

2007-10-19 07:38:14
On 10/19/07, Ruud H.G. van Tol <rvtol(_at_)isolution(_dot_)nl> wrote:
For IMAP, rename the folders to start with a dot, and adjust the recipes

Whether the names of the folders start with a dot has nothing to do
with IMAP.  I use IMAP every day and all of my folders are plain-old
flat-files like "formail" dismantles.  Most IMAP servers will
interpret several different mailbox formats; however, the reference
implementation of the IMAP4r1 standard (UW IMAP) will *not* interpret
maildir format, and in fact hides files and directories that begin
with a dot.

So please don't confuse the access protocol with the storage format,
it only spreads misinformation.
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