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Re: Get domain and tld ?

2009-01-25 16:24:08
On 25-Jan-2009, at 11:21, Dallman Ross wrote:
FQDN    = $1           # for testing on the command line

Couldn't you stack this so that the rc file is usable from the cli and from being called by another rcfile?

# Check if FQDN was set
* FQDN ?? ^^^^
  #not set, check for ARG, if it's not set, bailout
  FQDN = $1

  * FQDN ?? ^^^^

This way, if you SWTICHRC it works, and if you run it from the cli it works...

As I understand it, if the file is called from another, the SWITCHRC will switchback. If it was called from the cli, the SWITCHRC will log an error, and the HOST will abort the file.

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