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recipe problem

2009-02-04 12:06:51
I have been trying to setup a procmail recipe that would take a subset of 
emails that invariably carry spam, pass them thru spamassassin-learn (via spamc 
-L --spam) and then shuttle them on to /dev/null (I know, in this situation I 
could skip the spamc part and go right to /dev/null but I wish to teach my 
spamassassin well).

Right now I have two components, the first fails to work and the second works 
as expected.  The spamc -L --spam recipe fails:

The recipe:  
| /usr/bin/spamc -L --spam

The failure message in my .procmail.log:

procmail: Match on 
procmail: Executing "/usr/bin/spamc,-L,--spam"
Error in argument 1, char 2: argument required for option L
procmail: Error while writing to "/usr/bin/spamc"
procmail: Rescue of unfiltered data succeeded

Why doesn't this work?  Originally it was "| spamc -L spam" but that failed 
with essentially the same message.  It LOOKS like procmail is erroneously 
breaking up the spamc line into individual components rather than using the 
entire string properly.

How do I make this work?
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