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Re: maildir filename in recipe

2009-08-16 09:44:58
N.J. Mann wrote:
I do wish people would search the mail archive before asking questions.
It is often much quicker and can be much less embarrassing. ;-)  This
subject seems to come up every twelve months, or so.  

I did.  but I wasn't trying to "mark as read", nor does "LASTFOLDER"
jump to my mind when trying to find a variable containing the filename.

To be quite honest, it shouldn't be this difficult.  It can't be that
hard to create a new variable, and put the filename of the email being
processed in it.

There has to be something I'm missing if it hasn't been done yet.  Is
the filename, timestamp et al, generated at delivery time?  If this is
true, then how about a deliver_then_execute config option?  So when it's
enabled, the following would work:

# mail for procmail mailinglist
* ^List-Id.*(

# mail for another list...

The reason I want to launch a shell script is because I want to tag all
messages I've contributed to a mailinglist.  Also, I want the OP of that
thread tagged as well.  So when the threads are collapsed I can easily
see which threads I've contributed to.  When I expand the thread, I can
see where I've contributed...

Of course if
people used meaningful subjects for their questions it would make
searching the archive much easier. :-)

I assume that you are referring to the links you provided?  ;-)


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