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Re: Removing an address from To & Cc headers.

2010-01-12 10:12:14
At 17:15 2010-01-12 +0200, Tony K Lindstrom wrote:
* ^TO(testipelle|kestipelle|toberemoved)
        ORIGTO=`formail -c -xTo:`
        ORIGCC=`formail -c -XCc:`

Note that the case of the 'x' in these two lines is different. Given what you're doing with the lines, you don't want to retain the header in that second one. Further, you can extract BOTH headers at the same time and combine them (since that's what you're doing anyway):

        NEWCC=`(formail -c -xTo: -xCc:|tr -s '\n' ',')`

That should take the contents of To and Cc then replace newlines with commas (eliminating multiple newlines, if any, before doing so). Try it at a commandline. This will properly handle instances where a message has more than one Cc: or To: header (which, while not common, is possible, and can chuff up recipes like the one you have).

This is the stage where you might want to pipe the addresses through your "scrubber", whatever you end up developing for that.

        | formail -I "To: pelletesti(_at_)some(_dot_)com" -I "Cc: $ORIGTO, 

Here, you'd use the $NEWCC instead of the ORIGTO and ORIGCC stuff.

* ^TOpelletesti(_at_)some(_dot_)com
! realman(_at_)some(_dot_)com

It does what it is supposed to do. If matching, it will move all
recipient addresses to the Cc: header, add a new To header and send it
to realman(_at_)some(_dot_)com(_dot_)

Why do you need to change the message to have the recipient as the plaintext To? The headers are just for show and needn't be set any particular way for the MTA to deliver a message.

But this is not enough. What I need now is a way to do the same as
above, but also remove all "toberemoved(_at_)some(_dot_)com" email-addresses 
from TO and Cc headers.

Pipe the extracted addresses through sed.

The problem is of course, that the "toberemoved(_at_)some(_dot_)com" address 
show in many different ways: "To Be Removed" <toberemoved(_at_)some(_dot_)com> 
toberemoved(_at_)some(_dot_)com (To Be removed) or whatever.


 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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