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Re: Auto-forwarding recipe problem

2010-09-01 18:16:09
Greg Trounson wrote:

Hi, and thanks for your reply,

I implemented both of your suggested changes above, and so far at least
they appear to have worked.  That's great, though a little troubling, as
I'm still at a loss as to what was causing some messages to slip through

I will need to do further tweaking, as the FROM line had the [\(_dot_)(_at_)]
directive there to match for example both sender1(_at_)my(_dot_)domain and
sender2(_at_)division(_dot_)my(_dot_)domain(_dot_)  That could have been what 
was tripping it up,
though it still looks to be a valid egrep expression.

You keep changing the criteria and you haven't put up the actual recipe along with a verbose log of a failure. Doing the latter is the first thing to do if you want anything except casual help.

There is nothing about


which is appropriate to match sender1(_at_)my(_dot_)domain and 

It'd be a good idea to create a sandbox so you can test your recipes against 
known messages. Take a look at Sean's method:


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