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Re: greylisting

2003-10-09 10:54:05
Hi !!

| we tried greylisting for some time, the problem is that there are lots
| of legal mta's out of there that alkso don't retry.

"Legitimate", yes.  "Legal", not acccording to RFC2821 :)

of course I don't mean rfc compliant
Yes, they need to be whitelisted by hand, which is a pain.

true, any mehtod that requieres whitelisting is not good
If you're interested in sender address verification, I believe Exim and
Postfix support it.

yes, we are using callouts with exim since they are available, this works
very well, but do not prevent forgery ... we will need to wait until spf
or other proposal becomes a rfc standard ...

Best regards ...

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