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Re: new draft RFC under construction

2003-10-10 15:02:36
On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 05:36:29PM -0400, Meng Weng Wong wrote:
| Well, that was a productive flight.

Here's what my altitude-addled brain was able to produce.  Any mistakes
are solely the fault of hypoxia.  Please do not laugh at my attempts at
BNF syntax; I plead absence of Google at 30,000 feet.

1. Introduction

   SMTP allows any client host to assert any sender email address.
   Over time this vulnerability has been exploited to the extent that
   it should be considered a significant security flaw.  The Sender
   Permitted From protocol introduces a voluntary convention which
   helps to plug this hole.

   The SPF protocol provides mechanisms for domain owners to designate
   legitimate outbound mail servers; SMTP recipients may test the
   designated status of an incoming SMTP transaction accordingly.
   Using these mechanisms, SMTP servers may verify that the SMTP
   transaction is approved by the domain of the envelope sender.

   This authentication is weaker than cryptographic systems
   but stronger than the current SMTP model.

   This RFC does not obsolete RFC2821; it is a voluntary extension.

   SMTP servers and Mail Delivery Agents may choose to test incoming
   email according to the technical specification defined in this
   proposal and to accept, classify, discard, or reject messages on
   the basis of that test.

2. Designating SMTP Clients

   Participating domains publish SPF records to indicate that only
   certain hosts are permitted to send mail using that domain in the
   envelope sender.  In the case of a null envelope sender, the domain
   from the HELO/EHLO command is tested instead.

   "Designation", in this document, means that a host is permitted to
   use a domain name in the sender address or in the HELO/EHLO command.

2.1 The _smtp_client domain.

   DNS domains create TXT records in a special subdomain called

   The "_smtp_client" subdomain is hereby reserved; domains shall use
   it to publish its SMTP policies which it requests other domains to

   Participating domains are REQUIRED to respond to certain TXT
   queries in that subdomain.

2.2 The policy label

   Domains wishing to describe themselves as SPF-compliant MUST
   publish the following record:

     policy._smtp_client.${DOMAIN} IN TXT "v=spf1 DIRECTIVES"

   "v=spf1" indicates compliance with version 1 of the SPF protocol.

   "DIRECTIVES" obey the following syntax:

   (todo: look up BNF syntax)

   DIRECTIVES := [Negation] Mechanism [ " " [Negation] Mechanism ] [...]
                 [ Scope [...] ]
                 [ Explanation ]

   Default   := "default=" ( "unknown" | "softdeny" | "deny" | "allow" )

   Scope    := "scope=" ( ( "" | "envelope" ) | "header-from" | "errors-to" ) )
               By default, envelope scope is assumed.

   Explanation := "exp=" ( literal string of maximum length 128 characters )
                  this string MAY be used by SPF clients in an SMTP rejection 
                  it should contain text explaining the policy decision or a 
URL to such text.

   Mechanism := MX | A | PTR | DNSL | IPv4 | IPv6 | INCLUDE | LocalPart

   MX       :=      "mx" ( ( ":" domain-name ) | default-esd )

   A        :=       "a" ( ( ":" domain-name ) | default-esd )

   PTR      :=     "ptr" ( ( ":" domain-name ) | default-esd )

   DNSL     :=    "dnsl" ( ( ":" domain-name ) | default-esd )

   IPv4     :=    "ipv4" ":" ipv4-cidr-spec

   IPv6     :=    "ipv6" ":" ipv6-cidr-spec

   INCLUDE  := "include" ":" domain-name

   domain-name := standard DNS domain name, eg. "example.com"

   default-esd := ""
      expanded by the SPF client to the sender-domain.

   ipv4-cidr-spec := standard IP number "/" cidr-range, eg. ""

   ipv6-cidr-spec := uh, the same thing, but for IPv6.  I really have no idea 
about this.

   sender-domain : if a domain is present in the envelope sender, the
   envelope sender domain; otherwise, if a domain is present in the
   HELO/EHLO command, the HELO/EHLO domain; otherwise, SPF returns

   LocalPart := "localpart" ":" ( localpart-mechanism )

2.2.5 Example

     policy._smtp_client.example.com IN TXT
        "v=spf1 mx ptr:example.net dnsl:example.com default=deny exp=This is a 
test of SPF"

2.3 Modifiers

2.3.1 Scope

   By default, envelope scope is assumed.  In envelope scope, the
   sender domain used for lookups is taken from the envelope sender
   domain, or from the HELO/EHLO where the envelope sender has no
   domain.  If other scopes are specified, an SPF client SHOULD
   perform tests using the indicated RFC2822 headers.

   In practice, this is only meaningful if an SPF client tests message
   header address domains and discovers that the domains in question
   did desire protection for the message headers.

2.3.2 Default

   The default response if none of the mechanisms provide an explicit
   allow, softdeny, or deny opinion.

2.3.3 Explanation

   Provides a space for the publishing domain to communicate further
   information about its policy: for instance, a short message, or a
   URL pointing to a longer message.  Maximum of 128 characters.

   Designates a domain's MX servers.

2.4 Mechanisms In Detail

2.4.1 MX

   If a host is an MX server for example.com, it is also designated to
   send mail on behalf of example.com; this mechanism then returns "allow". Example

     policy._smtp_client.example.com IN TXT
        "v=spf1 mx:example.com default=deny exp=This is a test of SPF"

2.4.2 A Example

     policy._smtp_client.example.com IN TXT
        "v=spf1 a default=deny exp=This is a test of SPF"

   Because the RHS of the "a" mechanism is null, the sender domain is
   used for this lookup.  If a host appears in the A lookup for
   example.com, it is considered designated, and this mechanism
   returns "allow".

2.4.3 PTR

   First, perform a PTR lookup on the connecting client IP; then
   perform an A lookup back to an IP address.  If one of the PTR names
   resolves back to the original IP address, the PTR response is
   considered valid.  Then, if that resolving PTR entry ends in the
   specified domain-name, this mechanism returns "allow". Example

     policy._smtp_client.example.com IN TXT
        "v=spf1 ptr default=deny exp=This is a test of SPF"

   SMTP client comes from the IP address

   PTR( returns two results: "foo.example.net" and "bar.example.com"

   A(foo.example.net) returns two results: and

   This is an invalid result because the A record does not point back
   to the original IP.
   A(bar.example.com) returns two results: and
   This is a valid result because the A record does point back to the
   original IP.
   bar.example.com does end in example.com; therefore this mechanism
   returns "allow".

2.4.4 DNSL

   DNS lists: (from the convention of blacklists and whitelists)

   Additional records are OPTIONAL and identify the network hosts
   designated as SMTP clients:

     ${ADDRESS}.${ADDR-TYPE}._smtp_client.${DOMAINNAME}. TXT "spf=allow"

   ${ADDRESS} represents a reversed network IP address.
   ${ADDR-TYPE} represents the address type: "in-addr" for IPv4 and
   "ip6" for IPv6.
   ${DOMAINNAME} represents the domain of a SMTP mail sender
   envelope. Example

     policy._smtp_client.example.com IN TXT
        "v=spf1 dnsl:example.com default=deny exp=This is a test of SPF"

   An SMTP connection from using the sender envelope
   "user(_at_)example(_dot_)com" would be DNSL tested with

   If were a permitted sender for example.com, a TXT query
   would return "spf=allow", and the mechanism would return "allow".
   If it were not, no response would be returned.

2.4.x LocalPart

   the LocalPart specification is EXPERIMENTAL and may be defined
   in future RFCs.

   It is intended to provide a way for individual users to specify a
   policy that differs from the rest of the domain: for example, if a
   roaming user wishes to send mail from any SMTP server, he may opt
   out of SPF using this mechanism.

2.5 Negation

   Usually, lookup mechanisms return positive "allow" responses,
   indicating that a host is designated.

   If the lookup mechanism is prefixed with a "!" symbol, the result
   is negated, and a "deny" response obtains.

2.6 Evaluation order

   Mechanisms MUST be evaluated in the order they are presented.
   A response of "allow", "deny", or "softdeny" short-circuits evaluation.

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