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RE: TXT Records

2003-11-20 13:11:31

I'm willing to bet that you could find web based dns providers that only 
allow A records, should we just reduce down the spf standard and say 
that it must work with only A records as well?

I think you completely failed to address the original motivation.  Find me a
DNS provider that conforms to the following requirements, and I'll use it
for all of my 'non-critical' DNS:
1) Extremely-low or zero cost per domain name.
2) Permit a reasonable number of domains to be hosted (say <=100, I'm not
looking to abuse someone's service).
3) Reasonable update cycles (for example GraniteCanyon takes 2-3
4) Supports TXT records.
5) Conforms to all other 'obvious' requirements (A records, timely response
to queries, etc.)

I cannot find one.


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