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The next IETF meeting will have a BOF that discusses SPF

2004-01-29 12:40:07

Yakov Shafranovich (ASRG co-chair) asked me to forward this info here.


Subject: [Asrg] 3b. SMTP Session Verification - Update on LMAP BOF
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2004 15:27:57 -0500
To: ASRG <asrg(_at_)ietf(_dot_)org>

The BOF on MTA authorization records in DNS (MARID) will take place at
the next IETF. The BOF chairs are Patrik Faltstrom and Ted Hardie from
the IETF. There is a new mailing list for BOF discussions,
ietf-mxcomp(_at_)imc(_dot_)org (see http://www.imc.org/ietf-mxcomp/). This 
list is NOT an ASRG list but rather is a list used for the BOF
discussions only. The SMTP Verify subgroup will still continue working
on other methods besides DNS designated senders to verify the SMTP
session. Detailed information appears below:

BoF Description:

This meeting will review a set of related proposals for the
DNS publication of data which authorizes SMTP senders
within a specific domain.  The proposals to be discussed vary
in the proposed resource record type, syntax, and operation,
but all include DNS publication of data intended to
allow validation of IP-address, envelope, or header-originator
data for SMTP MTAs.

This BoF will be strictly limited to measures related to MTA
authentication; no other anti-spam measures or topics will
be considered.  The BoF will explicitly consider how DNS-based
MTA authentication mechanisms would be implemented and
deployed, and it will consider the impact on the overall DNS
infrastructure of this deployment.

This meeting will discuss whether or not an IETF working group
is needed to continue work on this topic.

BoF Agenda:

Agenda Bashing                           5
Problem Overview                                35

Taking draft-irtf-asrg-lmap-discussion as a starting point,
this discussion will focus on the problem these proposals
attempt to solve,  the broad outlines of the solution space
proposed, and the constraints implied by that solution space.

Current Proposals
        SPF                             15
        RMX                             15
        DMP                             15
        MS                              15

Implications for the DNS                        15

Based on the current proposals, the BoF will discuss
how this approach generally and each proposal
specifically interacts with the DNS.

Implications for SMTP                   15

Based on the current proposals, the BoF will discuss
how this approach generally and each proposal
specifically interacts with existing and proposed
mechanisms for mail transfer.

Discussion of scope for IETF work               20

Yakov Shafranovich / asrg <at> shaftek.org
SolidMatrix Technologies, Inc. / research <at> solidmatrix.com
  "Why are both drug addicts and computer aficionados both called
  users?" (Clifford Stoll)

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