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Re: New macro proposed %{u}

2004-02-05 10:56:25
--On Mittwoch, Februar 04, 2004 19:48:55 +0000 Dan Boresjo <dan(_at_)boresjo(_dot_)demon(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk> wrote:

Of course the main advantage of SF is the ability to reject during the
SMTP  dialogue, but in a larger setup it is nice if you can distribute
different  functions to different servers (MX, virus scanner, spam
analyzer, SPF)  which using ident in SPF would hinder (only a little
bit, but it is a  matter of principle).

Does ident prevent this?


AFAIK all you need is the port number and ident
will  give you the account name attached to it.

You have to give a pair of <clientport, serverport>, the ident-lookup
has to be made from one of these hosts while the original connection
still exists.

So you could theoretically delegate SPF checking to a dedicated server
but this dedicated system could not make any ident lookups for
connections terminating on one of the MXes.

Defining the %u macro would block any separation of SPF checking from
the receiving machine.


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