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Re: Updates on SRS crypto

2004-02-11 19:30:49

On Feb 11, 2004, at 9:06 PM, Shevek wrote:

On Wed, 11 Feb 2004, Theo Schlossnagle wrote:

-- end stupid test --

So, if I run this on a development server here, I get:
; perl ./t.pl 10000 1000000
CPU seconds/message: 0.0004080458
2000000 messages/hour = 820.8 seconds!

Extrapolated, that means that 22% of all my time sending mail is spent
on the CPU doing SRS.

Having read the figures a few times, I'm assuming that the 22% above is a
typo made slightly funnier by context?

Nope, that would be 22%.

Ecelerity (what Theo was testing on), runs at around 2 million messages/hour in an ideal environment. So, at 0.0004 cpu seconds per message with Mail::SRS, our throughput says that we'd be spending 820 seconds per hour in Mail::SRS. 3600 seconds in an hour makes for 22% of the time is spent in Mail::SRS.

I think Theo's factor of 10 was probably way to conservative, I imagine a well implemented library in C should be much cheaper that that.

This test was whipped up in a few seconds, feel free to poke holes in
it -- I'll take no offense.

Duly poked!

poked back.  :)


// George Schlossnagle
// Postal Engine -- http://www.postalengine.com/
// Ecelerity: fastest MTA on earth

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