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Re: Latest proposal re HELO checking: make HELO tests optional

2004-03-11 00:01:20
On Tue, 2004-03-09 at 20:21 -0600, wayne wrote:
It is more than just "the potential".  Spam is far more likely to
trigger a bounce than legitimate email.

It is definitely appropriate to say 'the potential'. What part of "only
when the primary MX host is actually down _and_ we receive mail for an
invalid user at the target domain which is not a cached negative" do you
not understand?

Using SRS on all your outgoing email is a way of protecting yourself
from people who think it is ok to send bogus bounce to innocent third

That includes everybody who I consider competent to run a mail server,
and that has been the status quo for years.

The strange thing is, you made strong objections to the SRS1
short-cutting because of the far smaller potential for abusive
bounces, but apparently, you are perfectly happy to bounce stuff
directly.  I don't get it.  I think both are bad.

No. I made objections to the SRS1 short-cutting because of the potential
for abusive mail getting through directly, not actual bounces.

  I do think that all too many mail admins have decided that it is better
 to silently drop email rather than generate a bounce.

If even one person thinks that, then it's too many. Just like those who
elect to reject all MAIL FROM:<>, these people really need to be
prevented from ever holding a position of responsibility again.

Hotmail, MSN, Yahoo, AOL, etc. are all know to silently drop large
quantities of email.  This is *bad*, but this is the state of email
today.  SPF, and other designated mailer systems, may be able to
change this back.

Have you evidence to support this? I received a bounce from AOL only
yesterday. Actually it was a bounce which should have been avoided,
because one of their machines accepted a mail to invaliduser(_at_)aol(_dot_)com,
then only later decided to bounce it after another of their machines
rejected it. But a bounce nonetheless.

If you think bounces are so bad, why don't you start rejecting all MAIL
FROM:<> ?


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