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Re: Latest proposal re HELO checking: make HELO tests optional

2004-03-15 09:50:15
On Sat, 13 Mar 2004, Hector Santos wrote:

The reality is, the CBV, believe in them or not, are real. They exist and
they will continue to exist and grow.

Probably true, but I feel that arguing with people about this is pretty
pointless, at least for me.  There are always going to be a certain number
of "problem children" and nonstandard systems out there.  If they're ones
I care about, I whitelist them.  It's easier than arguing about whose
interpretation of the RFCs is the correct one and keeps me out of
religious arguments.

If you're going to run something non-standard like CBV, you have to take
the responsibility for maintaining a whitelist of hosts it doesn't work
with if you want to receive mail for those hosts.  Trying to get the whole
internet to bend to your will won't work.

Just my two cents.

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